Friday, May 29, 2015

Middle School Summer Reading

Attention middle school students!

Can't find your summer reading list? Follow this link to the school website for information and a copy of the list.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Free audiobook downloads all summer!


SYNC is a program that gives away two complete audiobook downloads–a current Young Adult title paired thematically with a Classic or Required Summer Reading title–each week to listeners ages 13+ while SYNC is in session each summer.

Titles are delivered through the OverDrive app. You can prepare for the program by downloading the software to whichever device you anticipate listening on. SYNC is dedicated to introducing the listening experience to the young adult audience and demonstrates that Required Reading can be completed by listening.
In 2015, 28 titles will be given away over 14 weeks starting May 7th through August 13th. Once you download the titles, they are yours to keep! Download your copies here.